How to get from Chopin Airport to Białystok

How to get from Chopin Airport (Warsaw-Okęcie) to Białystok:
(departure hours simulated for 11th September )

Buses (about 3 – 3.5 hours, direct connections)

FIixBus and Żak Express
7:55, 12:25, 14:30, 17:35, 20:00, 21:10, 22:00

10:45, 13:00, 15:45, 19:00

7:15, 11:15, 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:45

Train (3 hours from Okęcie, 2.5 hours from Central Station)

From Warszawa Okęcie to Białystok with one transfer or You need to get to the Warsaw center and start directly from Warszawa Centrum station.
from Warsaw Okęcie (with 1 change inside Warsaw) 5:01, 6:49, 8:51, 10:48, 12:49, 13:55, 14:35, 15:55, 17:54, 19:59
from Warsaw Central Station: 5:35, 9:45, 13:35, 16:40, 18:46, 20:34

Travelling inside Białystok:

Taxi apps: LITE, FreeNow, Bolt and Uber or call i.e. 85 7 111 111 , 196 66, 737 737 737
Buses to campus: 11 (closest), others: 3, 10, 16, 22, 23, 26, 112
Bikes: Biker Białystok